If there's one thing I've learned over the past few months from being out of a normal routine, it's that 'fly bys' with God just doesn't cut it for me anymore.
I'm not saying that before I didn't spend time with Him, it's just that the time I spent was lacking in both quantity and quality.
Yesterday I came across a verse in Colossians where Paul wrote:
"Let your roots grow down to into Him and draw up nourishment from Him, so you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught."
That can't happen when I'm rushed in the morning or trying to grab a few moments at night. Originally I had the idea that this year my goal was to read through the entire Bible again, but I've changed my mind on that.
No, this year I want to spend more time in the quiet with my Jesus. If I happen to get through the Bible in the year, then great. But if all I 'accomplish' during that time is being still before Him, then even better.
It's time that I stop putting the focus on doing with God and instead put the focus on being with God. And that's what I pray 2006 brings for me.
"What makes for a good [life] story is not necessarily a thrill-a-minute plot, but an eye for detail, loaded moments. It's the so-called mundane that is most often chock-full of the eternal." Linford Detweiler (The Art of Being)
Yes Kristen,
I believe it is time for us to become more intimate in our relationship with Jesus this new year. He gave His life for us so surely we can devote more than a little time here and a little time there. If we desire for the Holy Spirit to reveal the inner things of God to us we have to be quiet before Him in order for our eyes and ears to be opened. Thanks for challenging me in my spiritual walk.
hey kristen this is alice just a little note to say hi and that this is a great blog i know what u mean about not spending enough time with jesus sometimes i have that trouble too and sometimes i dont read the bible and i tend to neglect god on that but im looking to change that and looking for prayer to help me change that and help me stay interested in god as sometimes i get caught up in what the word things and dont pray to god and ask for help in my needs and wants see you at college and careers on wednessday take care and god bless alice i hope you read this soon
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