1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?
Wrapping paper- it makes opening a gift that much more fun!
2. Real tree or artificial?
Always real. I grew up in the country and getting a tree was a simple as walking outside with a saw. Now it's a little more complicated, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
3. When do you put up the tree?
About a week or two before Christmas.
4. When do you take the tree down?
Whenever it starts to die. One year we had a tree that actually started growing in the house! It was kind of cool, but we ended up taking it out by February. Christmas cheer only last so long ;)
5. Do you like eggnog?
Love it. My brother has a great recipe that I enjoy every year.
6. Favorite gift received as a child?
Probably my Easton aluminium hockey stick. I wanted one so badly and when I finally got it I was on cloud nine. I was convinced it was a lucky stick and I guess it was in a way. Seven goals in one game, yeah!
7. Do you have a Nativity scene?
Yup. I made the manger/stable when I was in high school and we've had the pieces since I was pretty young. And it shows. One of the wisemen is missing a hand- poor fellow.
8. Hardest person to buy for?
My sister.
9. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?
Stuff from the body shop. I was nine and not interested.
10. Mail or email Christmas cards?
11. Favorite Christmas Movie?
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and the Muppets Christmas.
12. When do you start shopping for Christmas?
Usually the first or second weekend of December.
13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?
14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?
Fudge and peanut butter squares.
15. Clear lights or colored on the tree?
Colored- it just makes everything look more festive.
16. Favorite Christmas song?
For traditional, probably O Come All Ye Faithful. For modern, I love "Strange Way To Save The World" and "2000 Decembers Ago".
17. Travel at Christmas or stay home?
Home. It's so wonderful to have family within a four block radius.
18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeers?
Of course. I took it very seriously as a kid.
19. Angel on the tree top or a star?
Angel who should have been thrown out years ago, but it's tradition.
20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning?
When I was younger we'd do one on Christmas eve and the rest on Christmas day. Now we save them all for Christmas morning.
21. Most annoying thing about this time of year?
I wouldn't say it's annoying, but I really don't like how much pressure is put on people at this time of year. Especially for parents who don't have a lot of money and are put in the position of having to "keep up" with what other parents give their kids.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Grace has been on my mind a lot lately. Mainly because at College and Careers we've been going through a series based on Philip Yancey's book "What's So Amazing About Grace?"
It's amazing to me, this thought of grace. The fact that God knows us and still loves us. And grace is a key to the Christmas story, because without grace there would be no Bethlehem.
I can't even begin to comprehend the heart-wrenching decision that was made in heaven before that very first Christmas morning. The choice of a Father to send His Son to save a world that certainly didn't deserve it.
That's grace. And that's the cornerstone of the Christmas story. God so loved the world that He gave His only Son.
Amazing indeed.
It's amazing to me, this thought of grace. The fact that God knows us and still loves us. And grace is a key to the Christmas story, because without grace there would be no Bethlehem.
I can't even begin to comprehend the heart-wrenching decision that was made in heaven before that very first Christmas morning. The choice of a Father to send His Son to save a world that certainly didn't deserve it.
That's grace. And that's the cornerstone of the Christmas story. God so loved the world that He gave His only Son.
Amazing indeed.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Walk On
I've been listening to a lot of U2 lately. Especially the album "All That You Can't Leave Behind". I know everyone talks about "Joshua Tree", but I think "All That You Can't Leave Behind" is my favorite from U2. I don't know if it's because it's brilliant or it's because it's the one I relate to the most. And in the end, I don't think it really matters.
One song that's been on repeat a lot lately is "Walk On". The lyrics just resonate so loudly with where I've been finding myself lately:
"And if the darkness is to keep us apart
And if the daylight feels like it's a long way off
And if your glass heart should crack
And for a second you turn back
Oh no, be strong
Walk on, walk on
What you got they can’t steal it
No they can’t even feel it
Walk on, walk on...
Stay safe tonight
And I know it aches
And your heart, it breaks
And you can only take so much
Walk on, walk on"
Lately the temptation in my life has been to stop walking forward. To allow myself just to stay stuck in this place. And for a while I almost convinced myself it wouldn't be such a bad thing. After all, if anyone were to get a real glimpse into what my life has been like lately, they probably wouldn't blame me for doing so.
But I've decided to keep walking. Why? Because when I look back on my life I don't want to see wasted moments and opportunities. I don't want to have regret after regret. And to stop now, even though things are tough, would be something I would regret.
So I'm pressing on. Even though some days I may only move forward an inch, I'm making progress. I refuse to be stopped and be silenced by what keeps being thrown my way.
And it scares me to think of how close I came to doing so. Letting life circumstances speak for your life is a convenient excuse. And it's just that: an excuse. God knows exactly what we face everyday. And yet He still calls us to press on:
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish. He was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy he knew would be his afterward. Now he is seated in the place of highest honour beside God's throne in heaven. Think about all he endured when sinful people did such terrible things to him, so that you don't become weary and give up." (Hebrews 12:1-3)
So today, instead of focusing on problems and pain and sickness, I'm focusing on Jesus. And He's the One who I'm learning to depend on from start to finish. No, I haven't "arrived". But I am on the journey. And I think in the end the journey is what matters most.
One song that's been on repeat a lot lately is "Walk On". The lyrics just resonate so loudly with where I've been finding myself lately:
"And if the darkness is to keep us apart
And if the daylight feels like it's a long way off
And if your glass heart should crack
And for a second you turn back
Oh no, be strong
Walk on, walk on
What you got they can’t steal it
No they can’t even feel it
Walk on, walk on...
Stay safe tonight
And I know it aches
And your heart, it breaks
And you can only take so much
Walk on, walk on"
Lately the temptation in my life has been to stop walking forward. To allow myself just to stay stuck in this place. And for a while I almost convinced myself it wouldn't be such a bad thing. After all, if anyone were to get a real glimpse into what my life has been like lately, they probably wouldn't blame me for doing so.
But I've decided to keep walking. Why? Because when I look back on my life I don't want to see wasted moments and opportunities. I don't want to have regret after regret. And to stop now, even though things are tough, would be something I would regret.
So I'm pressing on. Even though some days I may only move forward an inch, I'm making progress. I refuse to be stopped and be silenced by what keeps being thrown my way.
And it scares me to think of how close I came to doing so. Letting life circumstances speak for your life is a convenient excuse. And it's just that: an excuse. God knows exactly what we face everyday. And yet He still calls us to press on:
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish. He was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy he knew would be his afterward. Now he is seated in the place of highest honour beside God's throne in heaven. Think about all he endured when sinful people did such terrible things to him, so that you don't become weary and give up." (Hebrews 12:1-3)
So today, instead of focusing on problems and pain and sickness, I'm focusing on Jesus. And He's the One who I'm learning to depend on from start to finish. No, I haven't "arrived". But I am on the journey. And I think in the end the journey is what matters most.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Thankful for the Moments
The sound of Charlie Hall fills my ears and faintly in the background, I hear the clock ticking out each second. A moment in time never to be repeated again. Moments I have not always been so grateful for.
In this place, during the early morning hours, I have spent many moments watching pictures flash by on the TV screen. Hearing the words, but not letting them sink too far in. While my mind filtered the media, my heart felt a strange heaviness. And yes, sometimes bitterness.
You see, I'm not up at 2:00 am by choice. My life has changed drastically over the past year. Not be it by choice, but changed nonetheless. While my family enjoys a night of rest and refreshment, I sit downstairs unable to fall asleep. Sleep Apnea, Restless Leg Syndrome, and Insomnia has seen to that.
So my nights pass by in a dark basement wide-awake. And my days pass by in front of a computer, trying to focus, but falling painfully short as my eyelids droop lower and lower.
To be thankful for such a "curse" has been a foreign concept. Because after all, before this condition blindsided me, I had lived a year and a half filled with sickness, pain, and fear. But being thankful for even this is the journey that I am on. Because where once I fought for "normal" nights, I have now accepted that this is the place I'm in and I am here for a reason. And knowing that is freeing.
With the turbulence that has been shaking up other areas of my life, maybe God knew I'd need these hours to myself. To think, reflect, and pray for His guidance and strength.
Is it difficult to live like this? Yes. Do I know when I will get better? No. But maybe those aren't the important questions.
Maybe the important question is "What am I going to do with this cross I have been called to bear?" I can fight it and by doing so, waste a lot of time and energy. Or I can accept it as part of His divine plan and look a head to the day where I see His plan perfectly in hindsight.
I've decided to choose the later of the two. After all, every moment is a gift. Whether it comes are 4:00 pm or 4:00 am.
Praise God from who all blessings flow. Even the ones we don't always recognize.
In this place, during the early morning hours, I have spent many moments watching pictures flash by on the TV screen. Hearing the words, but not letting them sink too far in. While my mind filtered the media, my heart felt a strange heaviness. And yes, sometimes bitterness.
You see, I'm not up at 2:00 am by choice. My life has changed drastically over the past year. Not be it by choice, but changed nonetheless. While my family enjoys a night of rest and refreshment, I sit downstairs unable to fall asleep. Sleep Apnea, Restless Leg Syndrome, and Insomnia has seen to that.
So my nights pass by in a dark basement wide-awake. And my days pass by in front of a computer, trying to focus, but falling painfully short as my eyelids droop lower and lower.
To be thankful for such a "curse" has been a foreign concept. Because after all, before this condition blindsided me, I had lived a year and a half filled with sickness, pain, and fear. But being thankful for even this is the journey that I am on. Because where once I fought for "normal" nights, I have now accepted that this is the place I'm in and I am here for a reason. And knowing that is freeing.
With the turbulence that has been shaking up other areas of my life, maybe God knew I'd need these hours to myself. To think, reflect, and pray for His guidance and strength.
Is it difficult to live like this? Yes. Do I know when I will get better? No. But maybe those aren't the important questions.
Maybe the important question is "What am I going to do with this cross I have been called to bear?" I can fight it and by doing so, waste a lot of time and energy. Or I can accept it as part of His divine plan and look a head to the day where I see His plan perfectly in hindsight.
I've decided to choose the later of the two. After all, every moment is a gift. Whether it comes are 4:00 pm or 4:00 am.
Praise God from who all blessings flow. Even the ones we don't always recognize.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Finding The Gospel (In Unexpected Places)
As the title of this blog entry would indicate, lately I've been finding the truth of the gospel in unexpected places. In the books I'm reading. The tv I'm watching. The life I'm experiencing.
The stories I'm reading, watching, and living are about love. About redemption. And about a hope for something greater than what we're experiencing. And aren't those things the real essence of the gospel after all?
Unconditional love seen on DVD as a guy gets himself sent to prison, just to save the life of his brother who's about to die for a crime he did not commit.
Redemption seen in the story of a father, who after being absent for most of his child's upbringing, breaks down the barriers between his kid and himself. The child responds, and together they move towards a future without dwelling on the past.
Love and hope seen in the real life story of a mother who reaches out to her child time and time again, even though this child is verbally abusive, a perpetual liar, and is unable to give that kind of love that she receives. But still the mother loves, and the mother hopes that one day things will change.
These stories about love, hope, and redemption inspire me. Because honestly, it's easy to miss that kind of grace and beauty when we live the kind of lives that we do. Where we're faced with tragedies, pain, and heartbreak on an all-too frequent basis.
But when we do stop and recognize these incredible reflections of the gospel in the world around us, we get a glimpse into the heart of God. The kind of heart that crossed heaven and earth just to make sure that a bunch of sinners would receive the kind of love that He gives, undeserved as it may be.
And being able to find a glimpse of that beauty and grace, is a gift. One that sustains and inspires. It's my prayer to continue to find the heart of the gospel in unexpected places.
The stories I'm reading, watching, and living are about love. About redemption. And about a hope for something greater than what we're experiencing. And aren't those things the real essence of the gospel after all?
Unconditional love seen on DVD as a guy gets himself sent to prison, just to save the life of his brother who's about to die for a crime he did not commit.
Redemption seen in the story of a father, who after being absent for most of his child's upbringing, breaks down the barriers between his kid and himself. The child responds, and together they move towards a future without dwelling on the past.
Love and hope seen in the real life story of a mother who reaches out to her child time and time again, even though this child is verbally abusive, a perpetual liar, and is unable to give that kind of love that she receives. But still the mother loves, and the mother hopes that one day things will change.
These stories about love, hope, and redemption inspire me. Because honestly, it's easy to miss that kind of grace and beauty when we live the kind of lives that we do. Where we're faced with tragedies, pain, and heartbreak on an all-too frequent basis.
But when we do stop and recognize these incredible reflections of the gospel in the world around us, we get a glimpse into the heart of God. The kind of heart that crossed heaven and earth just to make sure that a bunch of sinners would receive the kind of love that He gives, undeserved as it may be.
And being able to find a glimpse of that beauty and grace, is a gift. One that sustains and inspires. It's my prayer to continue to find the heart of the gospel in unexpected places.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Tony Campolo
This video echo's the thoughts that have been swirling around in my mind since reading "The Irresistible Revolution" by Shane Claiborne.
Christianity, in North America especially, has been made way too complicated. Here Dr. Campolo explains how simple it really is.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
A little too comfortable
Charles Swindoll wrote: "When you suffer and lose, that does not mean you are being disobedient to God. In fact, it might mean you're right in the center of His will. The path of obedience is often marked by times of suffering and loss."
I don't know why, but I didn't really consider that connection before. Sure, I knew that being a Christian brought on persecution. But suffering and loss? Well it wasn't something I associated with obedience before. Character growth, sure. Obedience? Not really.
But it really only makes sense. Looking at the the apostles lives doesn't make Christianity look that appealing. Not only did they face tremendous persecution, but their life circumstances weren't that great. And I'm realizing more and more, neither will ours be.
It seems like everytime life seems to settle, another storm brews in. But in reading the Bible, can we really expect anything else?
Should we expect fat paychecks? Large homes? Perfect families? Stress-free jobs? Nothing but loving people? The ideal church? I don't know why we get so surprised when life turns out to be the opposite. I don't know why I get so surprised.
I guess somewhere along the way Christianity has gotten confused with comfort. I'm beginning to see that they couldn't be more opposite. As Shane Claiborne wrote "God comforts the disturbed and disturbs the comfortable."
I think we've gotten a little too comfortable. I know I have.
I don't know why, but I didn't really consider that connection before. Sure, I knew that being a Christian brought on persecution. But suffering and loss? Well it wasn't something I associated with obedience before. Character growth, sure. Obedience? Not really.
But it really only makes sense. Looking at the the apostles lives doesn't make Christianity look that appealing. Not only did they face tremendous persecution, but their life circumstances weren't that great. And I'm realizing more and more, neither will ours be.
It seems like everytime life seems to settle, another storm brews in. But in reading the Bible, can we really expect anything else?
Should we expect fat paychecks? Large homes? Perfect families? Stress-free jobs? Nothing but loving people? The ideal church? I don't know why we get so surprised when life turns out to be the opposite. I don't know why I get so surprised.
I guess somewhere along the way Christianity has gotten confused with comfort. I'm beginning to see that they couldn't be more opposite. As Shane Claiborne wrote "God comforts the disturbed and disturbs the comfortable."
I think we've gotten a little too comfortable. I know I have.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
The Art of Being
"What makes for a good [life] story is not necessarily a thrill-a-minute plot, but an eye for detail, loaded moments. It's the so-called mundane that is most often chock-full of the eternal." (Linford Detweiler)
Starting this entry off with that quote is somewhat of a disclaimer. Because if you thought you were in for grand tales of God-adventures and awe-inspiring moments that have been filling my time over these past few weeks, you're going to be disappointed.
My time away from school hasn't been filled with big ministry projects or any jaw-dropping revelations. But it has been so good. I guess instead of doing, I'm for the moment just being and it's something that was long overdue.
During this time of "being" I'm reconnecting with who I am and more importantly, who I am in Christ. I'm trying to get caught up on sleep and my prayers for rest are finally being answered. This week I had more good nights than I have had in the past eight months combined :)
I've been experiencing more of those loaded moments too. It's amazing how clear they become when the busyness of life is toned down even just a bit.
And above all, during this time I'm just learning that it's okay to not have everything figured out. I tried that game and failed miserably at it. Because the truth is, we really have very little control over our circumstances and there is no way we can ever have the road a head truly mapped out as hard as we may try. And you know what, that's okay. Because even though lately I can't physically drive because I'm so tired, my spiritual driving days have been gone for quite some time. God is in the driver's seat of this life. I'm just along for the ride. And what a ride it's been!
Starting this entry off with that quote is somewhat of a disclaimer. Because if you thought you were in for grand tales of God-adventures and awe-inspiring moments that have been filling my time over these past few weeks, you're going to be disappointed.
My time away from school hasn't been filled with big ministry projects or any jaw-dropping revelations. But it has been so good. I guess instead of doing, I'm for the moment just being and it's something that was long overdue.
During this time of "being" I'm reconnecting with who I am and more importantly, who I am in Christ. I'm trying to get caught up on sleep and my prayers for rest are finally being answered. This week I had more good nights than I have had in the past eight months combined :)
I've been experiencing more of those loaded moments too. It's amazing how clear they become when the busyness of life is toned down even just a bit.
And above all, during this time I'm just learning that it's okay to not have everything figured out. I tried that game and failed miserably at it. Because the truth is, we really have very little control over our circumstances and there is no way we can ever have the road a head truly mapped out as hard as we may try. And you know what, that's okay. Because even though lately I can't physically drive because I'm so tired, my spiritual driving days have been gone for quite some time. God is in the driver's seat of this life. I'm just along for the ride. And what a ride it's been!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Jon Mclaughlin - Beautiful Disaster
I heard this song for the first time a couple weeks ago and it's been on repeat ever since. Check it out.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Summer Break!
So I'm officially on summer holidays from school. My original plan was to take four courses this summer, but my health had other ideas.
Although it's frustrating to put the courses off (and it was a huge hassle to do so), deep down I know I need the break. Just to catch up on sleep alone is reason enough.
So for the next month and a half I won't have a school agenda. I'll still have regular responsibilities with work and the radio show and stuff like that. But I'll be free from the heavy workload that consumes a lot of my time and I'll get to do the things that I really want to do. What are those things? Well...
I'd like to write more. Not a book (yet) or anything huge, but just put more thoughts down on paper.
I'd like to read more. When I'm in school I read so much during the day that when night comes around, I don't do very much if any. I've got a stack of books that are calling my name :)
And I'd like to switch rooms. This is something I've wanted to do for a while, but the timing wasn't there. But now I'm moving all my stuff downstairs and my "old" room will be turned into an office (woo hoo!). This I think will be a really good thing because I'll be able to separate my life a little more. Plus I'll have a space of my own for school/work/radio/writing, so it'll be easier to focus and do good work.
So those are my plans for this summer. What are yours?
Although it's frustrating to put the courses off (and it was a huge hassle to do so), deep down I know I need the break. Just to catch up on sleep alone is reason enough.
So for the next month and a half I won't have a school agenda. I'll still have regular responsibilities with work and the radio show and stuff like that. But I'll be free from the heavy workload that consumes a lot of my time and I'll get to do the things that I really want to do. What are those things? Well...
I'd like to write more. Not a book (yet) or anything huge, but just put more thoughts down on paper.
I'd like to read more. When I'm in school I read so much during the day that when night comes around, I don't do very much if any. I've got a stack of books that are calling my name :)
And I'd like to switch rooms. This is something I've wanted to do for a while, but the timing wasn't there. But now I'm moving all my stuff downstairs and my "old" room will be turned into an office (woo hoo!). This I think will be a really good thing because I'll be able to separate my life a little more. Plus I'll have a space of my own for school/work/radio/writing, so it'll be easier to focus and do good work.
So those are my plans for this summer. What are yours?
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Great Weekend

After landing in Toronto I treated myself to wonderful Columbian coffee, then jumped aboard the shuttle to Barrie. Side note: it feels wonderful to be catered to. The driver of the van came into the airport, personally brought me to the van and carried all my luggage. Then drove me right to my hotel and helped me get in the lobby with all my stuff. All for 46 bucks. Impressive.
I did a little bit of shopping after I got to Barrie. I was trying to track down some distilled water for the sleeping machine, which turned out to be an adventure. No one had any! 8 stores later I finally came across a store that only had four small bottles left. I bought them all and counted myself lucky. That night there was a BBQ to kick the weekend off, which was fantastic.

Sunday was filled with more very informative and inspiring classes. I probably took more notes that one day than I did the whole past year of schooling combined. I learned a lot about music selection, promotions, and management. It was great!
Besides having tons of fun, the weekend was also a great chance for me to try out my new camera. It has a great widescreen shot feature that I made good use of on the boat cruise. I still have lots to learn about the camera, so it's a work in progress :)
Monday I made my way back to Timmins- the trip ended up taking a lot longer than expected (2 flights were delayed/cancelled), but it was good. I had an opportunity to see the love of Christ in action and hopefully be seen as a reflection of that love. I find it to be such a powerful thing when people are willing to stop in there tracks to help complete strangers, who by the end of the encounter are no longer strangers at all!

Can't wait until the next seminar :)
Thursday, June 07, 2007
New Purchase

After four years and thousands of photos, my good old Kodak digital camera kicked the bucket. That left me with a very tough decision to make: which camera to buy? There are a lot of options out there and I had no idea which one to go with.
That is until the Canon Powershot S3 IS caught my eye. It's technically "point and shoot", but still lets you change colour settings, aperture size, and shutter speed- bonus. Add to that a 12x optical zoom and I was sold.
It came in the mail a couple days ago (pays to order online). So now I'm in the process of learning how to take better pictures. And I've got to learn fast- I'm taking two trips this year: one next weekend to a seminar in Barrie and another to Michigan in August and I want to get some good shots!
Hopefully lots of good photo's to come!
Monday, May 28, 2007
I think I speak for most when I say that often we want to get involved and help those in crisis, but we don't know how. We watch the evening news and feel helpless. We know we want to do something, but don't know what.
We see poverty and other than writing a check, are very limited in our options. There's a solution, but we can't see how to be a part of it.
Recently I've been given a spark of hope. And that spark comes from an organization known as Kiva.
It's no secret that there are many in developing countries who have the skills needed to support their families through various jobs, but because they lack the start-up funds for businesses, they remain in poverty.
Take it from someone who has completed a lot of business courses- without start up capital, great ideas remain just that- ideas. But it doesn't have to be this way anymore, thanks to Kiva.
Through their organization, individuals such as you and me can actually play a part in funding a business on the other side of the world.
This is how it works: Kiva finds entrepreneurs in third world countries and assess the needs. They then petition us for loans for these businesses. Individuals work together to pledge the entire loan amount, then 100% of it is given to the entrepreneur.
Once they have the funds, they use it to buy supplies or get their businesses off the ground. Then over a period of time (some as short as six months), they repay the loan.
Then the lenders can either take that money back, or lend it to someone else who needs it.
In March I signed up and was able to loan money to a few individuals. Less than two months later part of this money has already been repaid! Money that I had all but forgotten about was able to help someone on the other side of the world who now, thanks to all of the loans given, has a sustainable source of income for themselves and their children.
What a revolutionary concept!
To see how you can give involved, please visit kiva.org
We see poverty and other than writing a check, are very limited in our options. There's a solution, but we can't see how to be a part of it.
Recently I've been given a spark of hope. And that spark comes from an organization known as Kiva.
It's no secret that there are many in developing countries who have the skills needed to support their families through various jobs, but because they lack the start-up funds for businesses, they remain in poverty.
Take it from someone who has completed a lot of business courses- without start up capital, great ideas remain just that- ideas. But it doesn't have to be this way anymore, thanks to Kiva.
Through their organization, individuals such as you and me can actually play a part in funding a business on the other side of the world.
This is how it works: Kiva finds entrepreneurs in third world countries and assess the needs. They then petition us for loans for these businesses. Individuals work together to pledge the entire loan amount, then 100% of it is given to the entrepreneur.
Once they have the funds, they use it to buy supplies or get their businesses off the ground. Then over a period of time (some as short as six months), they repay the loan.
Then the lenders can either take that money back, or lend it to someone else who needs it.
In March I signed up and was able to loan money to a few individuals. Less than two months later part of this money has already been repaid! Money that I had all but forgotten about was able to help someone on the other side of the world who now, thanks to all of the loans given, has a sustainable source of income for themselves and their children.
What a revolutionary concept!
To see how you can give involved, please visit kiva.org
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Life In Full
They say the older you get, the wiser you get. I'm not so sure if that statement applies to me. But I do know one thing- I'm not the same person that I used to be and it's a good thing.
Maybe it's the two years straight of one health crisis after another. Maybe it's those extra grey hairs. I don't know. But I do know that I like the new me.
I now like the fact that life isn't always figured out. That I can step forward not knowing where I may end up. That it's okay that a degree isn't finished in four years or five.
That it's completely acceptable to not know where I'll be in a year from now. That it's fun to do spontaneous things with no plan b's in place.
That it's not a waste of time to spend a day doing nothing and just being. That life isn't about the end of the road, but rather the journey that it took to get there.
I'm on that journey. We all are. Some days are high and others are low. But the highs and the lows have a few things in common.
That first of all, I'm not traveling without a Guide. And He's sent me such an amazing group of people to take the journey with.
If you're one of these people- I thank you. I don't measure the quality of my life anymore by how rested I feel or how many dollars are in the bank account. Rather I measure it by the people I'm surrounded with who have my back and I'm thankful that they are many.
Yes my memory is that of a 70 year old and most days I look like a zombie, but that really doesn't matter at the end of the day. And it won't really matter if this is something I'm going to have to deal with in the very long term. No matter what circumstances are like, no one can steal the life instead that God gives to all His children.
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)
And that life is good. And I'm so happy to be able to be living mine every day to the fullest.
Maybe it's the two years straight of one health crisis after another. Maybe it's those extra grey hairs. I don't know. But I do know that I like the new me.
I now like the fact that life isn't always figured out. That I can step forward not knowing where I may end up. That it's okay that a degree isn't finished in four years or five.
That it's completely acceptable to not know where I'll be in a year from now. That it's fun to do spontaneous things with no plan b's in place.
That it's not a waste of time to spend a day doing nothing and just being. That life isn't about the end of the road, but rather the journey that it took to get there.
I'm on that journey. We all are. Some days are high and others are low. But the highs and the lows have a few things in common.
That first of all, I'm not traveling without a Guide. And He's sent me such an amazing group of people to take the journey with.
If you're one of these people- I thank you. I don't measure the quality of my life anymore by how rested I feel or how many dollars are in the bank account. Rather I measure it by the people I'm surrounded with who have my back and I'm thankful that they are many.
Yes my memory is that of a 70 year old and most days I look like a zombie, but that really doesn't matter at the end of the day. And it won't really matter if this is something I'm going to have to deal with in the very long term. No matter what circumstances are like, no one can steal the life instead that God gives to all His children.
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)
And that life is good. And I'm so happy to be able to be living mine every day to the fullest.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
A Heart That's Free
Here's something you may not have known about me: occasionally I have been known to dabble in poetry. I'm not saying I'm that great at it. And when I do write poems, I don't often share them. Maybe that's because the two times I did, it caused tears (I know what you're thinking- they must be pretty bad).
Anyways, not too long ago inspiration struck and I wrote this. I'm not claiming it's any good. But here is goes:
A Heart That's Free
She lays face down on the floor
Searching for hope but finding it no more
As images pass by on the evening news
She cries and questions what has gone askew?
"Why is peace so hard to find?
Whatever happened to that life-line?"
She looks up and sees a flickering light
A stark reflection in the dark of night
But the light seems too far out of reach
So far it's getting harder to see
"Is there no way to bridge the gap?" she cries
She's been in darkness so long she believes the lies.
But out from that darkness steps a man
And when He reaches the flame, He puts out His hand
Suddenly the spark bursts into consuming fire
And the flame burns up the muck and mire
With eyes of compassion He glances her way
While her heart's in her throat, she hears Him say:
"My child, why do you run? Why do you hide?
Why do you pretend it's alright inside?
Didn't you hear of my redeeming love?
Don't you know of the strength I send from above?
I died for your heart- to set it free
For here and now, not just eternity."
With shaky legs she starts to stand
She moves towards His outstretched hand
He looks at her and with love says:
"I love you my child, today and always
I'll always be here, I'll never leave your side
Walk with me and allow me to be your guide."
So with brittle faith and eyes that finally see
She gives her heart and is suddenly free.
Dancing through the fields of grace
Caught up in an amazing heavenly chase
A life surrendered she realizes is a beautiful thing
So she lets go and with her savior, her life sings.
Anyways, not too long ago inspiration struck and I wrote this. I'm not claiming it's any good. But here is goes:
A Heart That's Free
She lays face down on the floor
Searching for hope but finding it no more
As images pass by on the evening news
She cries and questions what has gone askew?
"Why is peace so hard to find?
Whatever happened to that life-line?"
She looks up and sees a flickering light
A stark reflection in the dark of night
But the light seems too far out of reach
So far it's getting harder to see
"Is there no way to bridge the gap?" she cries
She's been in darkness so long she believes the lies.
But out from that darkness steps a man
And when He reaches the flame, He puts out His hand
Suddenly the spark bursts into consuming fire
And the flame burns up the muck and mire
With eyes of compassion He glances her way
While her heart's in her throat, she hears Him say:
"My child, why do you run? Why do you hide?
Why do you pretend it's alright inside?
Didn't you hear of my redeeming love?
Don't you know of the strength I send from above?
I died for your heart- to set it free
For here and now, not just eternity."
With shaky legs she starts to stand
She moves towards His outstretched hand
He looks at her and with love says:
"I love you my child, today and always
I'll always be here, I'll never leave your side
Walk with me and allow me to be your guide."
So with brittle faith and eyes that finally see
She gives her heart and is suddenly free.
Dancing through the fields of grace
Caught up in an amazing heavenly chase
A life surrendered she realizes is a beautiful thing
So she lets go and with her savior, her life sings.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Francois Fenelon
During some of my late night bore-me-to-tears hours I've been getting in a bit of reading. I finished John Grisham's first non-fiction piece titled "The Innocent Man"- great book. A must read for anyone interested in the legal spectrum.
Recently I started working through some material from Francois Fenelon, a French archbishop from the 17th century. Thankful his work has been translated. It is extremely profound.
A favorite quote on prayer:
“Tell God all that is in your heart, as one unloads one's heart, it's pleasures, and it's pains, to a dear friend.
Tell him your troubles, that he may comfort you; tell him your joys, that he may sober them; tell him your longings, that he may purify them; tell him your dislikes, that he may help you conquer them; talk to him of your temptations, that he may shield you from them; show him the wounds of your heart, that he may heal them; lay bare your indifference to good, your depraved tastes for evil, your instability. Tell him how self-love makes you unjust to others, how vanity tempts you to be insincere, how pride disguises you to yourself and others.
If you thus pour out your weaknesses, needs, troubles, there will be no lack of what to say. You will never exhaust the subject. It is continually being renewed. People who have no secrets from each other never want for subject of conversation. They do not weigh their words, for there is nothing to be held back, neither do they seek for something to say. They talk out of the abundance of their heart, without consideration they say just what they think. Blessed are they who attain to such familiar, unreserved intercourse with God.”
I'm looking forward to digging deeper into his writing. And as I do I'm sure there will be more quotes to share :)
Recently I started working through some material from Francois Fenelon, a French archbishop from the 17th century. Thankful his work has been translated. It is extremely profound.
A favorite quote on prayer:
“Tell God all that is in your heart, as one unloads one's heart, it's pleasures, and it's pains, to a dear friend.
Tell him your troubles, that he may comfort you; tell him your joys, that he may sober them; tell him your longings, that he may purify them; tell him your dislikes, that he may help you conquer them; talk to him of your temptations, that he may shield you from them; show him the wounds of your heart, that he may heal them; lay bare your indifference to good, your depraved tastes for evil, your instability. Tell him how self-love makes you unjust to others, how vanity tempts you to be insincere, how pride disguises you to yourself and others.
If you thus pour out your weaknesses, needs, troubles, there will be no lack of what to say. You will never exhaust the subject. It is continually being renewed. People who have no secrets from each other never want for subject of conversation. They do not weigh their words, for there is nothing to be held back, neither do they seek for something to say. They talk out of the abundance of their heart, without consideration they say just what they think. Blessed are they who attain to such familiar, unreserved intercourse with God.”
I'm looking forward to digging deeper into his writing. And as I do I'm sure there will be more quotes to share :)
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Book Signing!
This Friday, March 30th, I will be at Harmony House in the Porcupine Mall for a book signing!
They've invited me to come out as part of the 72 Hour Sale and sign copies of my book, Walking Through A Fallen World.
If you live in the Timmins/South Porcupine area, it would be great to see you out there! And if don't, but know people in the area, please let them know about the event.
Hope to see you there!
They've invited me to come out as part of the 72 Hour Sale and sign copies of my book, Walking Through A Fallen World.
If you live in the Timmins/South Porcupine area, it would be great to see you out there! And if don't, but know people in the area, please let them know about the event.
Hope to see you there!
Monday, March 19, 2007
X & Y Theory
This weekend I listened in on the church service at Mars Hill and was thoroughly blessed by Rob Bell's teaching.
He spoke about how we tend to look at our lives like an x and y graph. Meaning if we do one thing on the x axis, then something automatically happens on the y. One example being take care of yourself well (x) and as a result you'll never sit in a doctor's office and hear the word cancer (y). Which couldn't be further from the truth. He went on to say:
"The truth is, it's a lie because it doesn't always go that way... People's ideas of God can be so unbelievably warped. The ultimate lie: well if you do a, b, and c, well then of course God will do a, b, and c and you'll be fine. All you have to do is simply trust Jesus and then you won't have to go through any heartache cause He wants you happy and wealthy.
These lies are deep within us that this is how the world works. And it simply doesn't. If you just lead the people and do as God says you'll get into the promised land. No it doesn't work that way."
It was something I really needed to hear. To be honest I've been struggling with the x & y mentality lately. Over the past few months as many of you know, I've been struggling a lot with my sleep. While part of this is due to sleep apnea, there's also a bigger problem going on with insomnia and restlessness. I've only averaged about 3-4 hours a night for months and besides being dead-tired, I've been getting discouraged.
And somewhere along the way, I got into the mindset that if only I imputed enough x's, then my y (good sleep and rest) would come. So instead of just doing my normal duties, I pushed myself above and beyond that. All the while thinking that it won't be long before I feel better.
Well many doctors appointments, prayer meetings, medical treatments, and every possible sleep trick imagined later, I'm still in the same boat I was before. And while I'm in this place, I'm still trying to move forward and "lead the people" so to speak. I'm still keeping up my ministry involvement. I'm still trying to do the things that I committed to. I'm still pushing forward in my school.
And those x's have certainly not resulted in giving me a y.
But here is where the true journey of faith lies. Faith happens when we still do the x's with no expectations of the y's. True faith is accepting this journey we're on- a journey with no guarantees. One where even God's children are fighting the good fight, in the midst of life's difficulties. One where those difficulties are a big part of the journey and could very well be just something that God wants us to work through for a while. A journey that is a lot closer to what we see in the Bible than the x & y theory is.
For me, my journey has been accepting that the y may take a while longer or may never come. And in that, still continuing to press on. Not because I expect something in return. But because I love my savior, desire to serve Him, and trust Him to take care of the rest in His timing, not mine.
For you, it may be something different. But we're all on this journey together. And on this beautiful journey of faith we discover that God wasn't necessarily who we thought He was. But that's okay. Because we know He's trustworthy and we know that He loves us dearly.
Oh what a mighty God we serve!
He spoke about how we tend to look at our lives like an x and y graph. Meaning if we do one thing on the x axis, then something automatically happens on the y. One example being take care of yourself well (x) and as a result you'll never sit in a doctor's office and hear the word cancer (y). Which couldn't be further from the truth. He went on to say:
"The truth is, it's a lie because it doesn't always go that way... People's ideas of God can be so unbelievably warped. The ultimate lie: well if you do a, b, and c, well then of course God will do a, b, and c and you'll be fine. All you have to do is simply trust Jesus and then you won't have to go through any heartache cause He wants you happy and wealthy.
These lies are deep within us that this is how the world works. And it simply doesn't. If you just lead the people and do as God says you'll get into the promised land. No it doesn't work that way."
It was something I really needed to hear. To be honest I've been struggling with the x & y mentality lately. Over the past few months as many of you know, I've been struggling a lot with my sleep. While part of this is due to sleep apnea, there's also a bigger problem going on with insomnia and restlessness. I've only averaged about 3-4 hours a night for months and besides being dead-tired, I've been getting discouraged.
And somewhere along the way, I got into the mindset that if only I imputed enough x's, then my y (good sleep and rest) would come. So instead of just doing my normal duties, I pushed myself above and beyond that. All the while thinking that it won't be long before I feel better.
Well many doctors appointments, prayer meetings, medical treatments, and every possible sleep trick imagined later, I'm still in the same boat I was before. And while I'm in this place, I'm still trying to move forward and "lead the people" so to speak. I'm still keeping up my ministry involvement. I'm still trying to do the things that I committed to. I'm still pushing forward in my school.
And those x's have certainly not resulted in giving me a y.
But here is where the true journey of faith lies. Faith happens when we still do the x's with no expectations of the y's. True faith is accepting this journey we're on- a journey with no guarantees. One where even God's children are fighting the good fight, in the midst of life's difficulties. One where those difficulties are a big part of the journey and could very well be just something that God wants us to work through for a while. A journey that is a lot closer to what we see in the Bible than the x & y theory is.
For me, my journey has been accepting that the y may take a while longer or may never come. And in that, still continuing to press on. Not because I expect something in return. But because I love my savior, desire to serve Him, and trust Him to take care of the rest in His timing, not mine.
For you, it may be something different. But we're all on this journey together. And on this beautiful journey of faith we discover that God wasn't necessarily who we thought He was. But that's okay. Because we know He's trustworthy and we know that He loves us dearly.
Oh what a mighty God we serve!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Recommendations anyone?
I've been given a membership to zip.ca- a movie rental service where you pick which DVD's you want and they send you a few at a time. While this is great to keep me company at night when my insomnia kicks in, it presents a dilemma- what DVD's to pick?
I've never had cable so I'm sure there are quite a few good shows out there that I've missed out on. I'm also not a huge movie goer, so I'm sure I've overlooked quite a few classics over the years.
Which brings me to ask for your help- any recommendations for good DVD's? It can be tv series on DVD, movies, biographies, etc. Zip has a huge archive and I'd like to make use of it while I have this membership!
Leave a comment with your recommendation!
I've never had cable so I'm sure there are quite a few good shows out there that I've missed out on. I'm also not a huge movie goer, so I'm sure I've overlooked quite a few classics over the years.
Which brings me to ask for your help- any recommendations for good DVD's? It can be tv series on DVD, movies, biographies, etc. Zip has a huge archive and I'd like to make use of it while I have this membership!
Leave a comment with your recommendation!
Monday, February 19, 2007
What a weekend!
This weekend I went to the Christian ladies retreat being held at the Days Inn in Timmins. I was looking forward to this weekend and thought it would be a good opportunity, not only for spiritual growth, but to have little responsibilities or obligations for a weekend. I thought I was in for a nice weekend sitting in the background, just taking things in.
I couldn't have been more wrong.
It started Saturday morning when I was called up, in front of everyone, to give a brief talk on how my book came into being. For a seasoned speaker, this may not be a big deal, but I'm not one comfortable with big crowds and I don't like drawing attention, so as I was walking up to the front I was very hesitant. Also adding to the worry is the fact that my memory is so poor because of my sleeping problem- I was afraid to get details mixed up. But God was with me and He was my strength. The minute the microphone was handed over He took over and it literally felt like it wasn't me up there.
Saturday afternoon rolls around and it was time for my one commitment of the weekend- giving a brief talk to the teens during a workshop. I was excited to do this and totally ready to go, when just as I was walking through the door to the workshop room I was stopped by a reporter who was there to cover the retreat. She had heard about my book and wanted an interview. So while my sister pulled off remarkable stalling tactics, I was interviewed by one newspaper (you can read the story here).
Just as that interview was wrapping up, another reporter walks by and the girl that was interviewing me called her over and before you know it, interview number two is happening.
I know it sounds funny considering I'm in radio, but I've never been comfortable talking with the media. Maybe it's just a self-conscious thing, but it's not something I'm used to or trying to embrace, but again, this was such a God thing. He totally stepped in and gave me wisdom and grace when it was needed and I'm really getting feedback (and book orders) from the one article that was put out in today's paper.
So back to the story, just as the two people from the papers are getting me to pose in the hallway for pictures, my sister walks out, wondering what in the world happened to me. After a good laugh watching me having to pose while people are walking by wondering what the heck is going on, she pulls me into the workshop for my talk and I thought it was all over with.
Well, I was followed into the room by a photographer and while I'm talking she's snapping away and I can see the looks on the teens faces thinking "what in the world is going on?" I recognize the look so well because I'm sure it's the same expression that was on my face.
But the workshop went great and was well received. Afterwards I stood at the back and spend time praying for the girls while my sister did her talk and the things that God did in the lives of the girls in the room was incredible.
The doors that God opened up during the weekend was also incredible. I spoke with many women and teens who were very interested in Walking Through A Fallen World and planned on ordering copies at home. I also was blessed to make some connections with people who have similar goals, dreams, and ideas and I could definitely see the hand of God in the networking that was happening.
I can also see the hand of God when I look back and see an idea that was placed in my heart when I was a child and that was encouraged when I was at the retreat two years ago, has now come into being. And the best part of it is: it has nothing to do with me. I could have never orchrasted any of this. It's all for Him, by Him, and about Him.
I'm just living my life trying to be obedient and not get in the way. Praise God for using the foolish things of this world...
I couldn't have been more wrong.
It started Saturday morning when I was called up, in front of everyone, to give a brief talk on how my book came into being. For a seasoned speaker, this may not be a big deal, but I'm not one comfortable with big crowds and I don't like drawing attention, so as I was walking up to the front I was very hesitant. Also adding to the worry is the fact that my memory is so poor because of my sleeping problem- I was afraid to get details mixed up. But God was with me and He was my strength. The minute the microphone was handed over He took over and it literally felt like it wasn't me up there.
Saturday afternoon rolls around and it was time for my one commitment of the weekend- giving a brief talk to the teens during a workshop. I was excited to do this and totally ready to go, when just as I was walking through the door to the workshop room I was stopped by a reporter who was there to cover the retreat. She had heard about my book and wanted an interview. So while my sister pulled off remarkable stalling tactics, I was interviewed by one newspaper (you can read the story here).
Just as that interview was wrapping up, another reporter walks by and the girl that was interviewing me called her over and before you know it, interview number two is happening.
I know it sounds funny considering I'm in radio, but I've never been comfortable talking with the media. Maybe it's just a self-conscious thing, but it's not something I'm used to or trying to embrace, but again, this was such a God thing. He totally stepped in and gave me wisdom and grace when it was needed and I'm really getting feedback (and book orders) from the one article that was put out in today's paper.
So back to the story, just as the two people from the papers are getting me to pose in the hallway for pictures, my sister walks out, wondering what in the world happened to me. After a good laugh watching me having to pose while people are walking by wondering what the heck is going on, she pulls me into the workshop for my talk and I thought it was all over with.
Well, I was followed into the room by a photographer and while I'm talking she's snapping away and I can see the looks on the teens faces thinking "what in the world is going on?" I recognize the look so well because I'm sure it's the same expression that was on my face.
But the workshop went great and was well received. Afterwards I stood at the back and spend time praying for the girls while my sister did her talk and the things that God did in the lives of the girls in the room was incredible.
The doors that God opened up during the weekend was also incredible. I spoke with many women and teens who were very interested in Walking Through A Fallen World and planned on ordering copies at home. I also was blessed to make some connections with people who have similar goals, dreams, and ideas and I could definitely see the hand of God in the networking that was happening.
I can also see the hand of God when I look back and see an idea that was placed in my heart when I was a child and that was encouraged when I was at the retreat two years ago, has now come into being. And the best part of it is: it has nothing to do with me. I could have never orchrasted any of this. It's all for Him, by Him, and about Him.
I'm just living my life trying to be obedient and not get in the way. Praise God for using the foolish things of this world...
Friday, February 09, 2007
Pointing in the mirror
“If Christians had given the traditional 10 percent tithe of their income to their churches in 2004, instead of the 2.56 percent that they actually gave, there would have been an additional $164 billion available, according to a report released in October called “The State of Church Giving through 2004.” If the churches chose to funnel just $70-$80 billion of that additional income to missions and humanitarian works, the basic needs of every person on the globe would be provided.”
That quote was published in a recent Relevant Magazine and it is pretty shocking. It's also a good thing to keep in mind when we look at situations, such as what is happening in Africa and ask "why God?"
I really believe that God doesn't make hunger disappear in an instant because He wants us to do something about it. That quote from Relevant is a perfect example of what could happen if every person who considers themselves a Christian would give back to God a portion of what He has given them.
Unfortunately all too often we don't and then point fingers instead at governments and agencies instead of pointing a finger in the right direction: towards a mirror.
Maybe that sounds a little harsh and kind of unrealistic. But I'm no fool- I know that as long as we're living in a fallen world, the problems that exist out there will never cease to exist. But just because we will never be able to alleviate the suffering of everyone, doesn't mean we can't alleviate the suffering of even just one.
Something to think about and more importantly, do something about...
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Sample Chapter
For those of you who haven't had a chance to read Walking Through A Fallen World yet, there is a sample chapter available for download on my website.
The sample chapter given out free is chapter five in the book and the title of it is "I Don't Like This- Should I?". The focus of the chapter is our perspective and how often a shift in perspective can really change the way we view the circumstances we find ourselves in.
The sample chapter given out free is chapter five in the book and the title of it is "I Don't Like This- Should I?". The focus of the chapter is our perspective and how often a shift in perspective can really change the way we view the circumstances we find ourselves in.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
What's been happening...
So it's been almost a week since I've been finished my exams and I'm enjoying the break. I've spent the last week getting started with my new job (commercial script writer for LIFE 100.3!) and getting set up for the new semester.
It's crazy how much life in change in such a short amount of time. If someone had told me even a year ago that I would be working in Christian radio now, I would have called them crazy. It was always in my mind that I would finish my degree and find a job at a station somewhere after graduation, but God has had different plans for my life.
So until He leads me elsewhere, I will be working part-time writing commercials for LIFE, writing the script for CT-20, and spend the rest of my days working at my degree all from the comfort (and lack of expense) of my own home. And after-hours I'm still free to work on MAD, book stuff, College and Careers, etc.
I'm just so thankful for the way this has all been orchrastrated- God has allowed me to be a part of what He is doing here in Timmins, while using the gifts He's given me to reach out in other places as well thanks to technology. He is so good and I am thankful to have a small part in His big plan!
It's crazy how much life in change in such a short amount of time. If someone had told me even a year ago that I would be working in Christian radio now, I would have called them crazy. It was always in my mind that I would finish my degree and find a job at a station somewhere after graduation, but God has had different plans for my life.
So until He leads me elsewhere, I will be working part-time writing commercials for LIFE, writing the script for CT-20, and spend the rest of my days working at my degree all from the comfort (and lack of expense) of my own home. And after-hours I'm still free to work on MAD, book stuff, College and Careers, etc.
I'm just so thankful for the way this has all been orchrastrated- God has allowed me to be a part of what He is doing here in Timmins, while using the gifts He's given me to reach out in other places as well thanks to technology. He is so good and I am thankful to have a small part in His big plan!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Thank You
I haven't had a lot of time to post blogs lately between studying for exams and medical appointments to get set up for treatment for the sleep apnea, but I just wanted to take a quick second to thank you all for your support with my book.
It hasn't even been out for a month yet and I'm overwhelmed by the response! This has been a dream of mine for such a long time and I'm grateful that I get to share that dream with so many good friends.
It hasn't even been out for a month yet and I'm overwhelmed by the response! This has been a dream of mine for such a long time and I'm grateful that I get to share that dream with so many good friends.
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