Well I've been back from Toronto for a couple of days now. It truly was a great trip. My doctors appointment went very well and it was nice to have a bit of time to explore the city. Although I've been to Toronto quite a few times over the years, this was my first time actually staying right downtown. Hearing siren after siren (we were in the hospital district) took some getting used to, but it was worth it to be in the middle of the action and in walking distance from pretty much everything we wanted to do during our free time.
One of the highlights for me was seeing the Dead Sea Scrolls at the Royal Ontario Museum. There was something about seeing parts of the Bible in the original language that was thrilling, but then also to know that these scrolls were thousands of years old? It was an experience like no other that's for sure.
Another amazing thing they had at the museum was an actual chunk of stone from the temple in Jerusalem. The stone had stayed in tact even with the destruction of the temple and historians believe that the very stone was something that was overtop a door of the temple. Meaning that Jesus would have walked right under this stone during His time on earth!
For that to still be in tact over two thousand years later is amazing. But that they were able to transport it to Canada where I was able to stand next to it in a museum was just incredible. I have to imagine the feeling I had looking at the stone and the scrolls is a small comparison of what it would feel like to walk in the footsteps of Jesus in the actual Holy Land.
Unfortunately to preserve the artifacts, no cameras were allowed in that part of the museum, so I don't have any pictures. But I do highly recommend checking out the exhibit if you have the chance!