Sunday, September 10, 2006

What God Has Done (And Continues To Do)

This November brings the fifth anniversary of the MAD Christian Radio Show and I can't believe that it has already been five years!

I can remember what my September looked like five years ago: all the planning that went into the show. The fear, the insecurity. When I started the show I had no idea what I was doing (and in a lot of ways still don't lol) but I had no idea that the show would go where it has. And when I say that I'm not trying to brag because I'm very much aware that the success has nothing to do with me, but everything to do with God. He could have chosen many more qualified individuals to do this, but for some insane reason He chose me and I am very thankful for this gift.

And it is a gift. Yes it's a heck of a lot of work at times, but as I've said many times over again: "I love what I get to do and I do what I get to love." I love discovering new bands and giving them a shot at real airtime. I love sitting down and making a playlist for a show, then looking back and seeing the theme that God has interwoven into it. I love interacting with radio stations around the world and getting their perspectives on ministry. I love writing the devotionals and I love it when God reminds me later of those words and uses them to teach and change me. I love producing the audio and figuring out what works and what doesn't. I love checking the radio show email account and reading stories of how God has used the show in people's lives. I love reading radio trade magazines and learning from some of the best in the business. I love meeting listeners and hearing their stories. I love producing the podcast and making use of the latest technology. I love what I get to do and I do what I get to love.

And somewhere in the middle of living this dream, I see God's hand working and it is amazing. He used an 18 year old who was a baby Christian at the time to start something that would still be going strong five years later. And today He uses this 23 year old, sitting in her house in Timmins, Ontario (a place most people have never even heard of) to broadcast the message of His love and grace to over 30 cities in five different countries, to the world on 20 online stations, to cyberspace through a website that receives thousands of visitors a month and to iTunes users through a podcast that receives over 1,000 listeners a month.

Scary? Yes. Humbling? For sure.

But I haven't brought this up to say "look at me, I've got it all together"- that couldn't be more not true. I bring this up, to first of all, give glory to who it belongs to: God and secondly, to testify that God is bigger than any roadblocks that may exist between you and your dream.

If you are a follower of Christ and you have a dream on your heart, it's no accident. In fact, it's a divine placement from a God who loves His children to dream big! Unfortunately too many times we scoff at these big dreams and think "God wouldn't ask me to do that". Well guess what- He would! My life is a testimony to that.

So what's standing between you and your dream? Is it a step of faith that you should be taking? Is it a choice that you should be making? Or are you, like the Israelites, still marching around the perimeter of what God has promised you, waiting in faith for the walls to come crashing down?

It doesn't matter where you are in your own journey after your dream, what matters is that you are on the journey and that you're not walking it alone. He created our hearts and knows our deepest desires. Sometimes all He requires us to do is take a small step of faith: whether that means walking on water or walking in circles around a city, it doesn't matter. What matters is that we do take that step of faith when it is required and trust Him and His plans for our lives in the meantime!

"May he grant you your heart's desire, and fulfill all your plans." (Psalm 20:4)

"Thirsty hearts are those whose longings have been wakened by the touch of God within them." (A.W. Tozer)


Anonymous said...

Kristen, it is cool to see how God has used you in reaching out to others worldwise and how he has uplifted you in times where you wernt sure what was going on ( surgury and all that)

God has things planned for us before we are born and if we were to found them out before they were to happen, I dont think we would do it and we would possibly turn God down in the process.

Thats why He gets us to trust in Him and lean only on Him and He will direct our paths. Its cool looking back after the years and seeing how we are being used by God.

s said...

k-dogg; its so great to see how God has worked in your life and used you in AMAZING ways. and He just keeps going at it... :) thanks for the reminder that He wants to use all of us... and is.